This project was part of the Canva X Prodigi Designathon, during this project we were given 72 hours to choose a social media app and design and experience within the in-app-editor. In implementing a new feature the brief provided hoped that we could potentially boost social interactions and engagement on the platform. Thus leading to our creation of Linkedln Elicits an in app editor that created connections among young professionals.
My contribution
Design Thinking
Ui Design
The team

Breaking down the project
The briefs aim was to create a new feature for a social media product of your groups choice, this lead to us deciding on Linkedln due to it being notoriously known as an outdated and superficial app amongst younger demographics. This lead to us considering 'How might we create an in app editor feature that helps young professionals connect with industry professionals in a meaningful and authentic way, so that they may make advances in their career'.
Based on research through questionnaires, netnography, competitor analysis it revealed-
Finding 1. 83% of users use Linklledn solely for finding jobs either directly networking or job boards.
Finding 2. Users were frustrated by the premium feature paywall to connect with professionals,
Finding 3. Graduates found it hard to connect with senior professionals.
Understanding behaviours and attitudes towards Linkledln-
Finding 1. We found that users are unable to initiate deeper levels of connection with professionals
Finding 2. Users have artificial cookie cutter posts on their feed by professionals without anything of value.
Building on strong foundations
We then developed user personas, Affinity Diagrams, sketches, Crazy 8's HMWs, and created wireframes to map out the app's functionality and structure. From our ideation we merged ideas together to create a robust and effective solution, based off our ideation we went with the idea of daily prompts being sent to Linkledn users to respond to.
User Flow- We decided on creating a solution to Linkedln's engagement problems through creating a natural connection point for users as well as pulling away users from superficial posts. We then created a user flow of the actions and decisions of users of their actions towards the feature.
Seeking feedback and early testing with users- We created wireframes to quickly create the usability and structure for user testing so we could quickly iterate. This revealed frustrations of users finding the feature confusing to use, limited options as an annoyance if they didn't want to use the feature which lead to use prioritising improvements for a seamless experience.
Iterating based on feedback- Taking on this feedback from the usability testing iterated the problems they had with it. We focused on the difficult time users had figuring out how they can take the connection further through these elicits as this was a fundamental user need from our earlier research.
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The final outcome of the brief lead to our creation of Linkedln Elicits which aims to engage the younger demographic of Linkledn users. This feature aims to encourage users to participate in authentic conversations and allows for more mutual points of connections amongst individuals. Ultimately, this component of the app aims to help entry level younger users to engage with senior professionals.